Arabic Calligraphy by Everitte Barbee

Limited Edition Prints and Original Fine Art

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Antara’s Sword 2016

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Original price was: $90.00.Current price is: $81.00.

Arabic Calligraphy – Antara’s Sword

And surely I recollected you, even when the lances were drinking my blood, and bright swords of Indian make were dripping with my blood. I wished to kiss the swords, for verily they shone as bright as the flash of the foretooth of your smiling mouth.

Dimensions: 90 x 45 cm
Year: 2016

Medium: Ink on paper.

Limited Edition of 50 

2 in stock


7th Century Pre-Islamic poetry

And surely I recollected you, even when the lances were drinking my blood, and bright swords of Indian make were dripping with my blood.

I wished to kiss the swords, for verily they shone as bright as the flash of the foretooth of your smiling mouth.

This poem is included in the seven Mo’allaqat, a collection of seven poems from the pre-Islamic era, widely considered to be the finest examples of poetry from that time.

ولقد ذكرتك والرماح نواهل …. وبيض الهند تقطر من دمي

فوددت تقبيل السيوف لأنها … لمعت كبارق ثغرك المتبسم

أدرجت هذه القصيدة و التي تعود إلى القرن السابع ما قبل الإسلام في المعلقات السبع, وهي مجموعة من سبعة قصائد تعتبر من أروع الأمثلة للشعر في عصر ما قبل الاسلام.



Et je me souvenais sûrement de vous, même lorsque les lances buvaient mon sang, et que des épées brillantes de fabrication indienne dégoulinaient de mon sang.

Je voulais embrasser les épées, car en vérité elles brillaient aussi brillantes que l’éclair de la dent de ta bouche souriante.

Ce poème préislamique du 7ème siècle est inclus dans les sept Mo’allaqat, un recueil de sept poèmes de l’ère préislamique, largement considéré comme les plus beaux exemples de poésie de cette époque.

Dimensions : 90x45cm

Encre sur papier, 2016