Arabic Calligraphy by Everitte Barbee

Limited Edition Prints and Original Fine Art

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Take the Leap 2012

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Original price was: $500.00.Current price is: $475.00.

Take the Leap – Arabic Calligraphy Print

“Always do what you are afraid to do.”

Dimensions: 34 x 24 cm
Year: 2012
Medium: Giclée Print on paper. 

Three Limited Edition Giclée Prints of 50 currently available.



All fifty prints of this edition have been sold. Print number 2 of 50 has been purchased back from its original collector and is currently for sale.

The figure of a woman jumping is illustrated using the Diwani Djali script. The text reads “Always do what you are afraid to do” and is repeated exactly three times to create the shape of a woman conquering her fear.

تم إنشاء هذا الشكل لامرأة تقفز باستخدام الخط الديواني الجلي. قراءة النص “افعل دائماً ما انت خائف أن تفعل” ويتكرر ثلاث مرات بالضبط لخلق شكل هذه المرأة التي تقهر خوفها.


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